Thursday, January 29, 2009

Buggy fun in Vanuatu

Amelia checks out this awesome adventure, taking her off road in the muddy jungle & along some amazing beaches.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Vanuatu : The Happiest country on earth...

Vanuatu is a Y shaped archipelago in the South Pacific and is made up of some 80 islands with the group of islands stretching over a distance of 900km. Being located on the "Pacific Rim of Fire" Vanuatu consists of a young chain of rugged volcanic islands.

南太平洋バヌアツ(Vanuatu)ポートビラにあるホテルPortVila のPV。...ホテル 海外 バヌアツ vanuatu 南太平洋

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Blue Water Island in Vanuatu

Amelia Feeds the sharks & turtles along with swimming in the Pristine Blue lagoon on Efate Island.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Breathtaking ecotours in Vanuatu

Pascal Guillet shows Amelia Armistead places not usually available to the tourists, "we get to places other tours can't, so no one can get you closer to the real tropical Vanuatu". From Rivers, waterfalls, canyons to tropical rainforests this place has it all. Great for Honeymoons.

南太平洋バヌアツ(Vanuatu)ポートビラにあるホテルPortVila のPV。...ホテル 海外 バヌアツ vanuatu 南太平洋

Kava's calming effect in Vanuatu

Kava, is both a plant and a beverage made from the roots of the Kava plant. Kava is grown on islands in Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia. The worlds largest producer and strongest kava in the world hails from the Republic of Vanuatu.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Vanuatu : custom village visits a local custom village to find out how the beautiful happy people of Vanuatu live. The Republic of Vanuatu, formerly known as the New Hebrides, is an tropical archipelago of 83 islands located in the Southwest Pacific Ocean. Most of the islands are formed from the summits of volcanic mountain ranges rising from the ocean floor. It has a unique blend of intact tribal communities, resorts, beaches and geography ranging from accessible volcanoes to pristine underwater environments..

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Vanuatu : Beaches of Vanuatu

Model Amelia Armistead takes us on a very quick trip with the Beaches on Efate in Vanuatu

南太平洋バヌアツ(Vanuatu)ポートビラにあるホテルPortVila のPV。...ホテル 海外 バヌアツ vanuatu 南太平洋

Friday, January 2, 2009

Organic Coconuts in tropical Vanuatu Young coconuts have either a green shell while mature coconuts are the more familiar-looking brown, hairy variety. Young coconuts have more 'water' and soft, gel-like meat, and mature coconuts have firm meat and less 'water.'

Vanuatu : Central Markets

The Markets are a colourful, noisy and vibrant place where you can see and buy local produce and artefacts. The produce is fresh, organic, and cheap and it tastes just like fruit used to taste when you were a kid.

Vanuatu : Cascade waterfall

A visit to Mele Cascades waterfall is an amazing experience. You can swim under the cascade itself or in any of the 5 pools which all are an outpouring of a deep underground spring with water that is cool, clear and refreshing.

南太平洋バヌアツ(Vanuatu)ポートビラにあるホテルPortVila のPV。...ホテル 海外 バヌアツ vanuatu 南太平洋